protective effects of ginsenoside Rg3 on human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. 2013 15-03-11
   2013._protective_effects_of_ginsenoside_Rg3_on_human_osteoarthritic_chondrocytes._2013.pdf (266.0K) [0] DATE : 2015-03-11 11:27:51
protective effects of ginsenoside Rg3 on human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. 2013
이전글 anti-inflammation effect of exercise and korean red ginseng in againg model rats with diet-induved atherosclerosis.2013 
다음글 ginsenoside Rb1 prevents interleukin-1 beta induced inflammation and apoptosis in human artivular chondrocytes. 2013