ginsenoside Rb1 improves postoperative fatigue syndrome by reducing skeletal muscle oxidative stress through activation of the PI3K,Akt,Nrf2 pathway in aged rats. 2013 15-03-11
   2014._ginsenoside_Rb1_improves_postoperative_fatigue_syndrome_by_reducing_skeletal_muscle_oxidative_stress_through_activation_of_the_PI3K,Akt,Nrf2_pathway_in_aged_rats._2013.pdf (1.6M) [7] DATE : 2015-03-11 11:33:46
ginsenoside Rb1 improves postoperative fatigue syndrome by reducing skeletal muscle oxidative stress through activation of the PI3K,Akt,Nrf2 pathway in aged rats. 2013
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